Saturday, October 27, 2007

NFL Talent Pool Grows

The dawn of a new era is upon us! Stem cell research, fertility clinics, genetic mapping, they're all sources of building bigger better faster.

With the NFL expansion comes a strain on the NFL talent pool causing more players to see more action and quite frankly they're not ready. A Record number of injuries plague the NFL this season causing unprepared and unconditioned players to take the field before they're ready. Profesional athletes are simply not meeting the demand of todays game.

NFL players approach building the next super human the old fashioned way... the stong will survive. By spreading their seed to as many females as possible, todays NFL athlete plans on creating as many super athletes for tomorrow.

By not marrying, this leaves the athlete open to polygismatic relationships , allowing for multiple relationships and multiple offspring.

This 20 year plan includes benefits of financial security for the illegitimate children in the form of lawsuits and child support, a great NFL players mentor program, and assurance that genetically the child will have the best chances available to compete in years to come.

This is a far from a new development by the way of professional athletes today. The NFL has, however, realized the potential gain from past indiscretions. It is reported that currently Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald is expecting his first child in early January. DNA testing is scheduled to ensure the Raiders Cheerleader unborn is in fact his. The paternity suit is merely a formality to ensure the child's financial wellbeing contractually.

NFL future players success story, Denver Broncos RB Travis Henry, has 10 children from reportedly 9 different women.

1 comment:

WoodHugger said...

The NFL should be imprisoned for a couple years for breeding men simply to fight it out on the grid iron to the point of debilitating injuries that force retirement, a retirement of chroic pain, while making the NFL billions of dollars.

Micheal Vick got 2 years for doing the same to dogs, why can't a bunch of white crackers get 2 years in prison for doing it to humans? Are poeple not worth as much as pit bulls?