Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Get One, Give One" program threatens India's economy.

Slavery, child labor, womens labor, immigrants and overseas outsourcing. The all mighty dollar follows the path of least resistance. Over the centuries US companies have looked for ways to reduce expenses and increase profits. Labor happens to be one of their largest expenses.

In the 90's the textile industry ventured overseas turning back the clock, employing children in sweat shops reducing their bottom line. Companies such as Nike would receive a days labor for a mere $1-2 per day. Organizations such as Clean Clothes Campaign have helped curb this problem.

More recently, many corporation have found less expensive labor by out sourcing customer service and support teams to India. It is quite common for the average American to pick up the phone searching for help only to find help from a college graduate in India. Yes, a college graduate! It is the norm for Indians to attend Universities in order to have a career in the customer service industry.

"The United States has lost 250,000 call center jobs to India and the Philippines since 2001" I predict the same for India by 2022.

Intel has partnered with XO laptop to help educate less fortunate children of the world. Soon you will be able to purchase laptops for your children and a very grateful child in Cambodia will also be gifted one.

WiFi connections will be available at learning stations throughout Cambodia. These children will have the benefits of syncing up in classrooms maximizing their learning potential, wile increasing companies earnings potential.

The global ethics police will almost assure these children won't be working before they are 18. That being said these children will have a distinct advantage when it comes to IT support.

If I need to call in a ticket for my workstation that takes nearly the entire week to fix how reliable do you think a $200 laptop is going to be? These children will undoubtedly have the know how to trouble shoot nearly any problem arising from a software standpoint before they can grow the curlies down under.

India can throw out their college degree read scripts because in 13 years Cambodian children will be all grown up and have over a decade of computer experience under their belt. The market has spoken and it wants 18 year old Cambodians who know what they're talking about, even if we can't understand them clearly.


James said...


Anonymous said...

Minimize your cost of labor maximize your income.This is very true that most of the company in the US based outsource their product in India and also in the Philippines.Through outsourcing the labor cost will be lesser because if you outsource your product in the third world country you have to expect minimum cost.