Wednesday, October 31, 2007

12 Months to Adulthood

Wow. No, not World of Warcraft, just wow! It is not until recently have realized how crazy and opinionated people can be. Yes, I am guilty too, but some people take it to an new level.

I recently became enraged reading responses to an article on about reviews for recently released Manhunt 2. Responses included opinions from National Advocates for the Mentally Ill (at least that's what I think NAMI stands for), video gamers, and bible thumpers. The report from ABC and the initial review of the game by Common Sense Media immediately became a debate over the evil empire Rockstar Games and governmental child rearing.

The game was originally rated as AO (adults only.) This would have been fine but from a marketing standpoint you loose the appeal of the younger crowd. By younger crowd I am referring the highly sought out males age 18-35. So the material was edited to fall into the mature rating for audiences, ages 17+.

The fact remains that "The average game player is 33 years old and has been playing games for 12 years" according to the Entertainment Software Association

So what's the big deal? well by going with a rating of M, Rockstar games is able to house it's game on a number of larger retail chains such as Circuit City and Wal-Mart where it otherwise could not have with a AO rating.

This is a non debate in my opinion. (I do see the irony of me blogging about it) Parents are responsible for this game falling into the hands of their children, and have a right to feel uncomfortable if their child wants this game for his 17th birthday. According to law they should only feel this way for 12 months because that is when their child is old enough to buy tobacco, vote, and join the army, just not buy alcohol. That could cause them to go into a psychotic depression when mixed with this game.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Get One, Give One" program threatens India's economy.

Slavery, child labor, womens labor, immigrants and overseas outsourcing. The all mighty dollar follows the path of least resistance. Over the centuries US companies have looked for ways to reduce expenses and increase profits. Labor happens to be one of their largest expenses.

In the 90's the textile industry ventured overseas turning back the clock, employing children in sweat shops reducing their bottom line. Companies such as Nike would receive a days labor for a mere $1-2 per day. Organizations such as Clean Clothes Campaign have helped curb this problem.

More recently, many corporation have found less expensive labor by out sourcing customer service and support teams to India. It is quite common for the average American to pick up the phone searching for help only to find help from a college graduate in India. Yes, a college graduate! It is the norm for Indians to attend Universities in order to have a career in the customer service industry.

"The United States has lost 250,000 call center jobs to India and the Philippines since 2001" I predict the same for India by 2022.

Intel has partnered with XO laptop to help educate less fortunate children of the world. Soon you will be able to purchase laptops for your children and a very grateful child in Cambodia will also be gifted one.

WiFi connections will be available at learning stations throughout Cambodia. These children will have the benefits of syncing up in classrooms maximizing their learning potential, wile increasing companies earnings potential.

The global ethics police will almost assure these children won't be working before they are 18. That being said these children will have a distinct advantage when it comes to IT support.

If I need to call in a ticket for my workstation that takes nearly the entire week to fix how reliable do you think a $200 laptop is going to be? These children will undoubtedly have the know how to trouble shoot nearly any problem arising from a software standpoint before they can grow the curlies down under.

India can throw out their college degree read scripts because in 13 years Cambodian children will be all grown up and have over a decade of computer experience under their belt. The market has spoken and it wants 18 year old Cambodians who know what they're talking about, even if we can't understand them clearly.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

NFL Talent Pool Grows

The dawn of a new era is upon us! Stem cell research, fertility clinics, genetic mapping, they're all sources of building bigger better faster.

With the NFL expansion comes a strain on the NFL talent pool causing more players to see more action and quite frankly they're not ready. A Record number of injuries plague the NFL this season causing unprepared and unconditioned players to take the field before they're ready. Profesional athletes are simply not meeting the demand of todays game.

NFL players approach building the next super human the old fashioned way... the stong will survive. By spreading their seed to as many females as possible, todays NFL athlete plans on creating as many super athletes for tomorrow.

By not marrying, this leaves the athlete open to polygismatic relationships , allowing for multiple relationships and multiple offspring.

This 20 year plan includes benefits of financial security for the illegitimate children in the form of lawsuits and child support, a great NFL players mentor program, and assurance that genetically the child will have the best chances available to compete in years to come.

This is a far from a new development by the way of professional athletes today. The NFL has, however, realized the potential gain from past indiscretions. It is reported that currently Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald is expecting his first child in early January. DNA testing is scheduled to ensure the Raiders Cheerleader unborn is in fact his. The paternity suit is merely a formality to ensure the child's financial wellbeing contractually.

NFL future players success story, Denver Broncos RB Travis Henry, has 10 children from reportedly 9 different women.


LT uses California wild fires for personal gain.
Reigning NFL MVP LaDainian Tomlinson turns lemons into lemonade. After being evacuated from his home by FEMA Monday LT returned to find his home unscathed.

In an interview Wednesday LT said. "It's unreal when you think about what happened." With his two dogs Tomlinson evacuated his Poway home. "I'm leaving my community, I see the fires right around my community. At that point I'm thinking it's over, my house is going to burn down. Thank God it burned all the way around my house, but it didn't get my house. My house stayed intact."

LT's agent immediately contacted Under Armor brand clothing whose slogan is "we will protect this house." It was a match made in, well, a blistering inferno of greed and opportunity.

A spokesman for under armor plans to use images of Qualcomm stadium, referring to LT's "house" in the commercials set to be aired in November.

Thousands of San Diego residents weren't so lucky. Over 1700 buildings have been affected, half a million people to abandon their homes. Damages have already been estimated over $1.1 billion.

From Bagboy to Busboy

Good 'ol Brenda Warner is up to it again. Satan's spawn, aka Alice, aka Brenda literally has no respect for Kurt. He scratched and clawed his way back from bagboy at a supermarket to become an elite NFL quarterback, (at least in 1999) but she won't let him forget his roots.

Brenda who apparently has bigger (and I'm sure hairier ) testicles than Kurt says if you're well enough to go outside and play your well enough to do the fucking dishes! Are you kidding me? The set on this lady.

Come on Brenda know your duty as an NFL players wife. Get your ass in the kitchen, take care of your man, and for god sake get a little more work done. The new blonde wig ain't fooling anybody! As for you, Kurt, grow a pair!

Kent Somers
The Arizona Republic
Oct. 25, 2007 12:00 AM wrote:

Turns out there is a downside to playing hurt in the NFL.

Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner was lauded for playing last week against the Redskins despite having a torn ligament in his left elbow. But the injury didn't get him much sympathy at home.

"The worst thing," Warner said, "is when you play a football game how do you go to your wife and say, 'Well, honey, I can't clean the dishes.'

"It's a good thing out here with the football team, not such a good thing at home when it comes to the 'to-do' list."

Disclaimer: This post was originally posted on 10-25-07 through another medium.