Saturday, July 4, 2009

Queef McMuffins

I was celebrating with friends one New Years Eve in Windsor. (It turns out this is not what people over the age of 21 actually do for New Years Eve) We had a good time. We did some gambling, and some drinking. We had two car loads of people sharing one hotel room.

The next morning was a rough one. I was fortunate enough to grab a spot under the desk with enough leg room for myself however it was not even close to comfortable. I woke up about 2 hours before everyone else and found myself staring at the underside of the desk for what seemed to be an eternity. I finally decided to get out of the hotel room and walk around to see if I could get a bite to eat and maybe shake some cobwebs.

I had about $35 Canadian dollars on me when I approached the McDonalds. I am still not sure what was going through my mind to this day but for the life of me I could not comprehend math or foreign currency exchange rates or how to read a McDonalds menu with in a foriegn country that speaks the same language. I slammed all of my available funds down on the counter and asked for as many breakfast sandwiches as it would provide, responding to any and every follow up question with "I dunno, sure I guess." With a confused look and only a slight increase in math skills the teenager behind the counter counted my money and began her calculations.

I returned to the hotel with three satchels of food to find a very grateful crowd of friends. I had proclaimed the bounty of Queef McMuffins was for all to share! I was received with an abundance of laughter and thank you's followed by more laughter each time we spoke of the Queef McMuffins. It wasn't until about a month later that I sobered up and realized that the packaging read Quiche McMuffins, not Queef McMuffins which makes way more sense.